GitHub Repositories

dGraph – A library of graphics classes for defining a scene graph by using render stacks. The addition of render stacks allows for realtime compositing effects, such as HUDs, distortion warps, blurs, FFT, or anything else that could be written up as a shader. All of which is useful for research in displays.

dCamera – A library for working with cameras in python. It combines different camera APIs into one easy to use interface, so you don’t have to worry if the camera is a Point Grey camera or a USB camera.

Animation Scripts

Since I spend most of my time writing scripts I figured I should post them here and make them publicly available. Obviously I can’t post the ones that my employer owns, so anything here I did outside of work. A lot of these are from my time at BYU, and some simple ones from my time in animation. More refined packages may be seen in my gitHub above.

Python Modules: – A class for composing and decomposing Maya transform matricies – A class for 3d vector storage and manipulation (DEPRECATED – is much slower than just using numpy arrays)

MEL Scripts (from 2007-2008):

Upon looking at my BYU scripts they are all integrated with what I like to call the byEnvironment. Which is basically a set of tools used to integrate all scripts by adding simple functionality for argument passing and automatically including other scripts, among other things.

getEnv.mel – Tool for getting and setting environment variables from a list.
dsArgs.mel – Dynamic argument passing in MEL script. Similar to **kwargs in python. Used in all MEL Scripts below.
saveWeights.mel – Simple weight storage script for maya skinCluster. Before Maya supported a ASCII based weight storage solution, weight maps were inaccurate and slow. This script fixed both problems.
dsNumReplace.mel – Simple renaming script that adds a number to a name with optional padded zeros.

Comming Soon…
Camera placement tool with depth of field visualizer and simple camera rig